Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Zombie Apocalypse, ad pw, and Spider Baby

Scrolling through my emails today, I realized that the best parts of some emails are the subject lines. These are actual subject lines of emails I have received over the last week or so.

"Your Invited"

- Wrong 'your,' dipstick. DELETE.

"Zombie Apocalypse"

- Intriguing, but I'm not sure I should open this. I'm pretty sure it's spam, but am I ever gonna feel stupid if it's a legitimate warning.

"Programa Especial Pascoa-Santare"

- I don't know what that means.

"Homis Controle e Instrumentacao"

- Don't know what that means, either.

- Este fin de demana en Zaragoza"

- Isn't Zaragoza a kind of cheese?

"Fly Fish Northern Spain"

- No thank you.

"100 Rooms at a rate of $19"

- Is this an hourly rate? Because I ain't that kind of girl.

"Satisfy your afternoon 'snack' attack"

- Putting 'snack' in quotation marks makes it seem dirty.

"Payroll Time Sheet"

- WOO HOO!!! I'm getting paid this week!

"O curso mais aplicado"

- I opened this one because 'curso' made me think it might have swear words in it. It didn't. Disappointment.


- Doubt it.

"We can each make the choice never to be sick again"

- Sure -- if I seal myself in a bubble and never leave the house. Since beer and candy live in stores and not in my house, that doesn't seem like something I'm likely to do.

"ad pw"

- This one looks legit. I should open it and send them money.

"Spider Baby"

- This one was a picture of Spiderman dressed up as a baby. Best email of the week.

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